Jesu- #231

I have laborede sore and suffered deth,

And now I rest and draw my breth.

But I schall come and call right sone

Hevene and erth and hell to doom;

And thane schall know both devil and man

What I was and what I am.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Seubold Camp Out '09

Ruger GP100 .357 Mag
Remington 870 12ga
Remington Nylon 66 .22
Ammo .357/.38- 200 rounds
Ammo 12ga- 105 rounds
Ammo .22- 500 rounds

Hearing protection
Eye protection
Orange hat/vest
Flashlight, uberbright
Flashlight, general purpose
Lantern, propane
Matches, strike anywhere
Stove, propane
Sleeping Bag
Tarp, blue
Rope, utility
box, insulated sanitary
Pants, cold weather
Coat, cold weather
Hat, Kones Korner
Boots, Summer tan
Shirt, flannel
Pants, men's standard issue
Knife, Swiss Army
Pot, coffee scalding
Pan, non-stick
Utinsils, various
Tobacco, loose
Tobacco, rolled natural wrapper
Pipe, briar
Tamper, pipe
Cutter, cigar
Soup, French onion
Steak, sirloin 2lbs
Potatoes, russet
Carrots, vegetable
Sundry seasonings
Cup, coffee
Plate, blue enamel

A camping trip is about so much more than the stuff you take. It is about the folks you go with. Josh and Jon Seubold are two of the greatest guys I know. That they've been kind enough to open their secret proving grounds up for what has become an annual camp-out/arms expo is well enough. That they are from one of the greatest, most generous families that I've ever been associated with is an entire other matter. I'm lucky. I married into their clan.
I'll have a camp report in one week.

1 comment:

Dr. Josh Seubold said...

Wow! Thanks Mark that's awesome! That really means a lot to me. I guess we'll have to do this EVERY STINKIN' YEAR now...haha! I'm not gonna lie I start thinking about this event in July. Your right it is more than the stuff you bring. Its about who you can share it with. It'll be a good time that's for sure! See ya out there....